Celebration Of Tears by Dr Zobia Aslam

Celebration Of Tears Dr Zobia Aslam

Celebration Of Tears Dr Zobia Aslam

                     "Celebration Of Tears"

  Writer: Dr. Zobia Aslam

     Not only celebrate your laugh's, your happiness , your love life but, also celebrate your Tears , fears and traumas . They provide strength to your destructive and tired soul..
            Do you know how ?
                                Tears can break you but they also can make you. They make you strong . They are the best companion of your loneliness , your broken heart , your immature feelings that continuously making you weak .
                                 After shedding of your tears , you feel like a neonate that's just born and don't know about the miseries of life , don't know about some diplomatic faces of the world . If you are optimistic  they give hope to you for the better end .
        Because ;
                    "   After every rain there is a shiny sky."
        Its up to you my dear whether you become optimist or passimist ,  You have to make your tears your strength or weakness.
             You have to make Ablution and  sit on pray_mate and just bow down in front of ALMIGHTY ALLAH (SWA) and say everything whatever come in your mind that disturbing you and Ask HIM for HIS Rehmat,Mercy for good end and Tell HIM everything as HE IS SUBHAN . HE IS A Good listener . Believe me it works.
                     For time being you are disappointed and totally hopeless but, with the passage of time you learn how to survive. How to survive with difficulties. You don't even bother the things that destroy or dirupt your present or past . You learn with mistakes. Every happening have a proper reason behind. But;
         "  My dear you can't live with your dark points and on the basis of your past. But My dear , you can survive , you can live with the hope of bright future".
          The only thing you have to do is; Prepare yourself for troubles and also be ready for shining Rewards. With every Dawn you have to promise with yourself that you are best , you are the Hero  of your story and Remember every hero have to face problems .. So get  Ready , problems provide courage to you and at the end of story you would be a warrior . With every dusk , you become a Refined Gold.
               But , My dear Remember never ever let down in front of people they do  laugh at you. Always bow down in front of ALMIGHTY ALLAH  or For the Sake of ALLAH . As the Rumi said;
           "   Be Silent, Only hands of ALLAH can remove the burdens of your heart".
          HE knows better, HE knows everything .
    You have to enjoy with tears and celebrate them with the love of ALLAH and the ultimate results you feel good , you feel happy .
               کبھی خدا کی راہ میں آنسو بہاؤ تو سہی ۔۔۔

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