I lost her Written By Maria Farooqi

I lost her Written By Maria Farooqi

I lost her Written By Maria Farooqi

Title: I lost her

Written by: Maria Farooqi:

I had a friend she was so beautiful not only in appearance but also in character. She cared for me even when I slightly unwell, she repeatedly ask me to take medicine, rest, and avoid unnecessary work. I appreciated her concern and  sometimes I said to her,

 "stay at my place if you're so worried about me.'' She would respond, stop talking nonsense, take care of yourself."

She was my good friend. I used to tell her a lot. It was the era of youth; my interests were  also youthful, and it was at the peak. I was goodlooking and handsome. When I made a new girlfriend or a female friend, I would tell her, and she would always tease me. Sometimes she would get quite angry, and she would respond me in teasing manner. I often felt her words like.... she is falling for me. But I didn't want that.... because I had experienced betrayal in love, and I didn't want to deceive her.  In actual I don't want to loss my bestie..... I  really don't want to stand her in disasters. She was a very kind-hearted girl. That's why I stopped talking to her. Whenever she asked, I would say, "Life is very busy, and there's no time for talks." Whenever she called, I would only answer her questions and not engage in further conversation. Perhaps, she sensed that I didn't want to talk, so she stopped talking to me, and I had no communication with her anymore.

As time passed, I moved to America, and life became busy. In all these years, the thought of her never crossed in my mind. Perhaps, I had forgotten her.  But I knew deep down that she would never truly forget me.

Whenever I talked to my family, they would say, "Come to pakistan, it's time for you to get married." I always declined or brushed it aside. But today, my mother started crying, the same emotional blackmail that mothers often use to push their children into marriage.

I said, "Okay, Mom, find a girl for me." That's when my sister spoke up, "For my brother, we'll find a girl who will take care of him, pay attention to the little things for you."

My sister's words reminded me, and after a while, her thought came back to me. I closed my eyes and began to ponder. All moments came into my mind that's we spent together....  But that same  that moment, it occurred to my mind that she had started falling for me and due to that emotions, she used to do all this. I pushed aside my thoughts and focused on my work. After a few weeks, I came to Pakistan, and by coincidence i had to go to the hospital with my mother. she were becoming a doctor she bocomes or not, I didn't familiar from that. I were walking in my own attentions andsuddenly, I saw her. She was talking to my mother in the same accent that she used for me. she had become even more beautiful than before..... or maybe I hadn't seen her after a long time, that's why she looked stunning to me. She always looked so beautiful in black dress and that's why she love to use black outfits and due to her black wearing I used to call her by the name of "blacky''...... But may be that was just my baises.... May be love had added color to her life. I had lost in these thoughts, and the same time she came up to me, and say Aslam o aliakum in the same manner as she always did. Her way of speaking about things was different from her demeanor of Salam, We had a short conversation, but those shades on her face were forcing me to think about many things these are engrossing me to ask. I asked to her about meet up somewhere for peaceful talk, and she told me a medical college...... where she might teaching. She told me to come an hour before the class, I agreed, beacuse I knew that... she would never come to a public place to meet.

After a few days I went to meet her on a Tuesday. Today, she still looked very lovely, with those dimples who always make her gorgeous. After some conversations.

I asked in a casual manner, '' Who is he that has brought so much color to your life? Has someone fallen deeply in love with you? Is it love, or is there another secret? After hearing my question, she blushed and, smiling, and said, 'I am nikahfied, and after two month I will be some legal wife..... I was amazed and with casual smile I congratulate her. After this revelation, we talked some other stuff.....In  amidst our conversation, I inquired about her feelings, that I sensed she had an emotions for me, which is why she seemed uncomfortable when I talked to other girls, being frank with them, making calls to them..... etc."

She was perplexed but She answered calmly.

I cared you just because of.....

it is the 1st important aspect of friendship to take care of your friend and prevent them from engaging in actions that could cause difficulties for them and the remaining matter about girlfriends and the relationships.... you were never serious with anyone. And if a girl became serious about you, made a claim of love, and you left her, then that girl's heart suffered just like yours did a while ago. I have seen your pain with my own eyes, and I didn't want someone has suffered in those situation because of you. That's why I told you don't to be in a relationship. Let it go...... because hurting someone's heart is a sin, and I didn't want to let you commit that sin. If these all things were love for you, then I confess that yes, I loved you."

But my love wasn't based on your thoughts; it was a love of commitments and then she stand up and said It's time for my class now; I have to go... she left me there and, kept walking, she had gone from my sight...I returned home after some time.

Despite being a successful businessman, I lost a great friend due to my personal mindset.


After that day, I realized that not every girl comes into man's life for that love same we men think. Some women come, despite having a flawed mindset like ours...... to rebuild the crumbling palaces of their thoughts. Unfortunately, I lost that friend, and since that day, I have neither been able to be friends with any girl nor forget her. But still

"I lost her...... "

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